Operative indications and specifications for second phase submissions
As per article 10 of the Brief, the City of Varese intends to acquire a preliminary project, complete with all documents foreseen by articles 17 and following of Presidential Decree 207/2010 and successive modifications and integrations. This project must obviously respect all applicable legislation governing building and urban planning, civil law and health and safety.
When preparing the various project documents, reference is to be made to the following studies and investigations available from the City of Varese’s website:
Geological, hydrogeological, seismic: PGT – geological, hydrogeological and seismic component
file: va2880rl_agg_ottobre_2014
networks and services: PGT – general urban master plan of subsurface utilities, technical report
viability and transport: PUM general report
file: AU0M0R11
PGTU general report
file: AU0P0R11
PDT general report
file: AU0T0R11
The abovementioned documents refer to drawings contained in different folders accompanying each individual plan. The PUGSS can also be downloaded in SHP format.
Without altering in any way the contents of the legislative documents mentioned above, and with the simple intent of favouring an operative standardisation of the documentation to be evaluated by the Competition Committee, the following indications are to be taken into consideration when preparing the submission material required for the second phase:
- drawings are to be in black and white and tones of grey, with the exception of demolitions (in yellow) and new constructions (in red);
- all drawings must respect the sheet layout and orientation used in the surveys and the format provided in the “drawing template”;
- the use of colour is restricted to the presentation of renderings and/or photomontages, as per the view points provided in the “rendering instructions” document;
- drawings must be presented at a scale of 1:200, with the exception of eventual building details.
When competitors consider it opportune, they may provide the City with a model built to respect the base indicated in the document “model base”, at a scale of 1:500. This model will represent both sub zone 1 – Piazza Repubblica ex Barracks – and sub zone 2 – the new Theatre and Via Ravasi development.
Competitors selected to present a proposal for only one of the two sub zones should reproduce the existing situation in the other sub zone.
Models are to be all white, though materials and techniques are up to each competitor.
It must be noted that the production of the model is not mandatory and will in no way affect the evaluations made by the Competition Committee; as indicated in the Brief the Committee’s evaluations will be based solely on the preliminary projects presented.
Competitors wishing to present a model must forward it to the Comune di Varese, Segreteria Area IX, Via Caracciolo 46 21100 Varese, no later than the deadline indicated in the Brief, by courier or post. No presentations brevi manu will be accepted, in order to respect the anonymity of the Competition.
Models must be sent to the City enclosed in a sealed package and must NOT list, inside or outside, any sign, information or other that may compromise the anonymity of the model and link it to one of the competitors. For this reason both the sending and receiving address indicated on the package must list the Comune di Varese.
On the exterior of the package and the model itself the ONLY AND SOLE INDICATION IS TO BE THE ALPHANUMERIC CODE assigned automatically to each competitor by the online competition information management portal.